Thursday, September 16, 2010

3 Personal Experiences

With the feeling of excitement unwilling to release its tight grasp on my behavior, I stand in awe a mere arms length from my idol. The man whose voice I knew better than my own from listening to on "repeat" for countless hours on end. The dim red and blue lights expose only the front of the stage as if holding onto a secret. With a thunderous strum on the guitar, the rest of the stage reveals itself and the familiar voice of my hero echoes throughout the room.

Floating through a sea of white, I writhe in pain. The intense mechanical beeping argues with the doctor barking out orders to his nurses. Painkillers rush through an iv into my body, doing little in comparison to the torture I feel. Hesitantly, I bring myself to look back at my left arm, now in the shape of a z. The chilling sight only amplifies the pain.

I sit on a rocky ledge by the lake watching the peaceful day begin to close its eyes. The sun sets behind me, concealed by a wall of Evergreens. My view is not one of warm oranges and reds, but rather cool violets and blues. I watch as the shade of night slowly sweeps across the water and covers the rocks and trees. In a matter of seconds my surroundings have transformed.

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